Holiday resolution: literally, no worries.

6 Dec

The holidays are fun in theory~there are certain features I love: lights, colder air, seasoned meats, nogs.  It’s the actual practice of the fun that smushes my spirit. The “pick up the pace” attitude, presents purchased with a dot of the “t” and crossed eyes, cookies slashed and baked.  Think about it: one’s hygiene is barely scraped together for a party, only to have to scrape it back up the next night.  Smiles, small talk, sips of Chardonnay serve to dehydrate both body and mind.

So what can you do to rehydrate all parts of yourself this holiday season?

Well, for one, drink more water. It’s better with crushed ice, if you haven’t noticed. And two, give yourself the gift of NOT WORRYING.

If you’re like me, and niggling worries tend to go on auto repeat in your mind, pat yourself on the back. You are a good person and not a serial killer.  However, these cyclical worries will dry out your spirit just as surely as those 3 glasses of wine did last night. This season, tell yourself, “I refuse to worry about anything silly,” and dismiss the thought from your mind like a punished toddler.  Now, by “silly,” I mean most everything many of us worry about: the dust bowl in the living room, the rampant fleas in the family room, the extra 10 pounds, those  final 2 presents you need to buy. Let them go. (If you are worrying about something not silly, say a necessary medical test, then, by all means, have the test and then quit worrying about it.)  Remember: extra worrying helps no one.  You might get hit by a bus tomorrow, so what will you gain by worrying about a few extra Siphonaptera biting your ankles? Nothing.

Here are some other Testy holiday tips to reduce your stress level:

1. Go an extra day without washing your hair~it looks better and it saves you time. Dry shampoo and extra hairspray help.  Want even more free time? Bring back the bouffant!

2. Outsource family gatherings to a friend. I have a delightful friend who entertains us every year on my husband’s birthday. Do I feel guilty that someone else plays hostess for the dear Testy Husband. Heck, no! I love it~she’s one hell of a hostess, folks. I’d be a fool to turn her down.

3. Find “alone time” during parties. I’ve said this before ( and I’ll say it again: if you get tired of making conversation during a party, find the bathroom.  Powdering your nose (and removing spinach from your teeth) gives you time to take deep breaths and say, okay, only one more hour to go, or whatever.  If you’re attending a party in a fancy facility, perhaps a country club or museum, take time to go look at art or furniture or the grounds. Pretend to get lost. It’s all socially acceptable, I assure you.

Any other ideas out there for reducing holiday stress? I’m happy to hear them and comment.



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